Thursday, December 3, 2009

Listen...Do you hear it?


Do you hear it?


Do you know what your listening for?


Can you hear it now?


You still aren't listening...

How many times do people go through life feeling
this way... NO ONE is listening!!
People try to explain what they are feeling and no one understands
or no one cares enough to take the time and listen.

WHY is it that no one listens??

We go through each day completely focused on ourselves!
We spend more time on our "virtual reality" of facebook, twitter, myspace, and whatever else our digital outlet is, than we do with real live humans.
Music is great, but take 5 minutes, STOP listening to your iPod and talk to someone!
NOT just "hey, what's up?" but TALK to them...
See what is really going on in their life!

Why are 12 year old girls getting pregnant...
because there fathers & mothers aren't listening!

Why are boys not growing up to be men...
because they do not have fathers setting examples.

Why is depression and suicide rising..
because people feel that no one cares enough about them
and they believe that no one would miss them if they were gone!

Why do we think life has to run 500 miles an hour?

Because "The Jones'" have a bigger house and "the Smith's" have a nicer car.

We can never be satisfied, yet we strive for satisfaction...
The next high that takes the loneliness, bitterness, and worthlessness away...
What is it?
Where is it?
How can I get it?
And by the time we get it, we are over it and moving on the the next "New Thing."


Do you get it yet?

How many times do you stop and listen?

People around you are hurting... crying out for help
and you are so busy fulfilling your own selfish desires that you are missing it....

Look at their faces Look into their eyes See the need!


You could make a difference!
You could change someone's life if you chose to listen!

STOP saying, "woe is me,"
because there is always someone who has it worse than you.
Start helping those around you in need
and you will find your needs don't seem so bad.
You will receive such joy from serving others
that your cares will slip away.

Just listen and be the difference!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Stepping off the edge

How many times have you wanted something,
but you have feared what it would take to get it?

How many times have you felt something was within reach,
but you wouldn't stretch across the edge to grab it?

How many times have you stopped following your dreams,
because you think you are not good enough to achieve them?


Stop allowing fear to control the things you do!
If you want it, go get it!
You were created to dream big
and aspire to greatness.

It's not easy to step out, to dream of what you could become,
or to stretch yourself to your full potential;
however it is necessary for you to give your all
and be excellent in what you do.

Bruce Wilkinson says,
"As God's chosen, blessed sons and daughters, we are EXPECTED to attempt something large enough that failure is guaranteed...
UNLESS God steps in."

Be willing to work harder.
Be willing to go farther.
Be willing to fight when you feel like giving in.
And watch as what you dreamed to be, becomes your reality.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Be yourself and let the world take notice!

Who are You?

What sets you apart from the rest?

What did God create you to be?

I'm not asking about your job title or what church, gym,
or other affiliation you might be a part of. I'm asking who are you as an individual.

So many times we try to fit in, be another person in a sea of faces, when we were created to stand out!

I'm not expecting you to answer my question of,
"Who are you?" However I'm challenging you to think about it.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself, Who am I?
What was I created to do? What is my purpose?

In Economics they use a production possibility curve,
which shows when resources are used in the most efficient way possible.

What if we had a production possibility curve in our lives, would it show that we are using our God given resources to full potential or would it show we are giving 50%?

Stop being another useless, dead light-bulb
and start plugging into the power source so you can give 100%.

DaRe To StAnD OuT!

Be Yourself, who God created you to be, and let the world take notice!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What are you up against?

Life sometimes has it's challenges...
it's battles where the outcome doesn't look good.

We all have moments where we want to to give in,
because the competition seems to tough.

Lately, I have had more friends come to me with problems that are bigger than they can handle. As I sit and listen to their stories, my heart breaks to hear the pain they are going through.

Families are falling apart.

People are loosing there jobs or not finding jobs.

Loved-ones are struggling, in battles, with cancer or other health

Standards are shifting because society says "Its okay now."

Doubt and fear are causing my generation to stop dreaming dreams
and believing they have a future.

Stress and depression are running higher everyday...
and "Doctor's recommended drugs" seem to be our new salvation.

What is happening?
Where did our hope and peace go?
Why are we giving up and giving in?

Tonight I was reminded of a scripture in 2 Chronicles 20:15b,
Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army.
For the battle is not yours but God's!

In the moments you feel your world is caving in, remember there is still hope for tomorrow!
God still loves you! He will still wrap you in His arms, and carry you through the darkest night, the hottest fire, or the most disastrous storm.

The world might have let you down and told you, "You are nothing," however God will never let you down and you are everything to Him!

He still has a future and a plan for you!
Trust Him, follow Him, and see how He can change your life!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


What kind of fruit can you produce if your living in a desert?

How deep can your roots grow if your soil is dry and crumbling?

How long do you believe you can stand, if you stand alone?

God calls us to bear fruit: Galatians 5:22-26 The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.

God didn't say we could pick and choose which characteristics we would like to have; He refers to them at one, "The fruit of the Spirit is," singular! However, we cannot bear this fruit at all if we do not get ourselves planted firmly in good soil.

Jeremiah 17:5-6 says: Thus says the LORD, "Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind, and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the LORD. "For he will be like a bush in the desert and will not see when prosperity comes, but will live in stony wastes in the wilderness, a land of salt without inhabitant."

Thankfully God didn't stop there...He went on to say in Jeremiah 17:7-8, "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose trust is the LORD. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of
drought nor cease to yield fruit."

Luckily we aren't like trees and we have a choice where we are planted! We can choose to plant our roots in the desert or in the lushes green!

Where are YOU CHOOSING to plant your roots??

Who are you surrounding yourself with, people who will lead you to refreshing water or who will leave you dry in the desert?

Humans are like miracle grow.
We can encourage each other and lift each other up, but unless we are planted in good soil, we'll shrivel up to nothing...

A plant in bad soil will still die, no matter the amount of miracle grow you pour on it!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


My heart for the "unchurched" is radically being changed.

I have grown up in church and have attended many churches in the past 5 years. Having said this, I believe God gave me a new insight on the church this past summer. At the beginning of the summer I began wondering, why is it so difficult for someone new to enter a church?
I began to pray that God would show me and I became increasing observant of the churches I experienced.

In my exploration of churches this summer, I found it was very difficult to just walk into a strange church.
Thoughts of:
Will they accept me?
Will what I wear be appropriate (dressy enough/not dressy enough)?
Should I just stay would be much easier?
Will they judge me?
I attended several different churches, faithfully going to the same services. I created different tactics as I observed:
-Arrive early & find a seat (usually in the middle), this was to see if anyone would go out of their way and speak with me.
-Arrive early & try to talk to people in the entryway, trying to show I was interested in getting to know them.
-Attending other events beside the churches main services, to view how the church interacts with their members and with their guests in a social environment.

I found: There are a select few who take the time to recognize a new face, and the rest hold on tight to what they know, their friends.
Even if the church has a "greet the new people time" during service, most people would greet their friends and not the new people.
The select few greeting = pastors/leaders & the greeting committees.

The Church desires to grow, yet it gets so caught up in its own "church clicks" it forgets to accept new members into the family. We (the church) mingle with every familiar face, yet do not take time for the person who does not belong...YET SHOULD BELONG.

The church does one thing right, they focus on children, which brings in families.
I found that the majority of churches have 3 focus points:
Children, Teens, & Adults (over the age of 30 & primarily married couples)

My question is what about those who don't fall into these categories?
For example: college students/young adults between 20-30 or senior citizens who aren't completely sure what their place is anymore.

My Challenge is to "The Church":
-Step out of yourself and do something selfless:
Invite someone to church
Talk to someone new who comes to church
-Put aside your agenda and see how God could use you!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Beautiful People!

Have you ever looked around and realized how truly beautiful people are?

It doesn’t matter their shape or size, their height or color. The beauty is what resonates from inside of them.

I watched my roommate take a blank canvas and create a beautiful piece of art. She sat and stared at the canvas, choosing carefully each color and the way she would stroke each brush of pain.

I was quickly reminded of our Creator.

How carefully He molds us.

There are moments He paints and moments He sits back and watches us, until He is ready to paint the next detail. He doesn’t throw the painting together, but he carefully crafts it into the masterpiece He wants it to be!

God doesn’t make mistakes, but carefully forms each of His children. He created you just how you are and He said it was very good!

You ARE a BEAUTIFUL person!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

If what people thought didn't affect you...

What would you say.

What would you wear.

How would you live your life, if the opinions of others didn't matter to you.

I met this phenomenal women, this summer, who encouraged me to start a blog.
She said that my thoughts and ideas might encourage and challenge others.

As I started thinking about a blog questions came to my mind like:
Will people actually read this?
Does it matter to me if they read it and what their opinions will be about it?
What will the purpose of this blog be?

I came to the conclusion that this blog will become a journal of sorts...
Not about what I do each day, but about issues that people deal with on a daily basis.

Loneliness. Friendship. Self Worth. Music. Jesus. Change. and so on.

So, if you are a blogger:
What are you blogging about?
Are you so concerned about what your readers might think
that you don't truly share what's on your heart?

As I begin this adventure of blogging,
I am determined to break out of the box.
If people read it and love it, great!
If people hate it and challenge what I'm saying, that might become even better.

Stop worrying about who will read what you write,
and start writing about what you believe in!