Why were you created?
What is the purpose of your life?
Will you ever truly know?
There is a passionate stirring deep within oneself that drives them for something greater than they believe is conceivable. A yearning for what our dream job, our future spouse, and/or our dream home will be. Somewhere within every person there is a belief that something bigger, someone greater, brought this world into existence.
But why?
What is the purpose of humanity?
Is there one?
Is there truly a reason why we exist or was it coincidence?
Many people have their theories…
A big bang occurred and everything fell into place, which happened millions of years ago.
Evolution, which is the belief that life evolved from one creature to another…example: monkeys to man. Similar to the big bang theory, this requires millions of years or everything within evolution crumbles beneath itself.
Creation, in the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter). (Funny how scientific God is!) In His Word (The Bible), it shows us He created it in seven real days and he emphasizes this by saying, “and there was evening and morning on the first day… second day… etc.”
Many will still argue that there were thousands of years between each day, however again God was clever! He created plants the day before the sun! Please, explain to me how plants could live 1,000 years without the sun?
Now I don’t talk about this to cause people to argue their beliefs, however that timeline and the others in the Bible are critical to the Christian faith.
Why you might ask? Because God said there was not death before the fall (Adam & Eve eating off the tree of life), but if there was thousands of years, there would have been death before this point.
So the next question might be… What is the importance of death NOT being before the fall? If there was death before man sinned (Sin: an act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault, offense, omission), than the core message of the gospel is invalid.
See the Bible says, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.” It was because of Adam & Eve’s sin that caused God to banish them from Paradise and God killed a lamb (the first death) to cover them (clothes). In the same way God allowed his son Jesus to come to earth to die (like a lamb sacrifice). (This is why Jesus is referred to as The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.) The first lamb covered the outside (clothing), while the second lamb (Jesus) covers our inside (our eternal souls).
Now back to Purpose… If God created everything, then an infinite creator who planned and purposed everything created this world! He made no mistakes and he created every tree, blade of grass, star, sunset, snowflake, animal, and human beings (from conception). He created each person different and with their own unique gifts and abilities.
You were created with for a purpose and your creator has a count of every hair on your head, so make each day count and don’t waste a moment.