Sunday, October 25, 2009

Stepping off the edge

How many times have you wanted something,
but you have feared what it would take to get it?

How many times have you felt something was within reach,
but you wouldn't stretch across the edge to grab it?

How many times have you stopped following your dreams,
because you think you are not good enough to achieve them?


Stop allowing fear to control the things you do!
If you want it, go get it!
You were created to dream big
and aspire to greatness.

It's not easy to step out, to dream of what you could become,
or to stretch yourself to your full potential;
however it is necessary for you to give your all
and be excellent in what you do.

Bruce Wilkinson says,
"As God's chosen, blessed sons and daughters, we are EXPECTED to attempt something large enough that failure is guaranteed...
UNLESS God steps in."

Be willing to work harder.
Be willing to go farther.
Be willing to fight when you feel like giving in.
And watch as what you dreamed to be, becomes your reality.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Be yourself and let the world take notice!

Who are You?

What sets you apart from the rest?

What did God create you to be?

I'm not asking about your job title or what church, gym,
or other affiliation you might be a part of. I'm asking who are you as an individual.

So many times we try to fit in, be another person in a sea of faces, when we were created to stand out!

I'm not expecting you to answer my question of,
"Who are you?" However I'm challenging you to think about it.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself, Who am I?
What was I created to do? What is my purpose?

In Economics they use a production possibility curve,
which shows when resources are used in the most efficient way possible.

What if we had a production possibility curve in our lives, would it show that we are using our God given resources to full potential or would it show we are giving 50%?

Stop being another useless, dead light-bulb
and start plugging into the power source so you can give 100%.

DaRe To StAnD OuT!

Be Yourself, who God created you to be, and let the world take notice!!!